Kbd. Nitish Chandra Halder, Assistant Professor, Kumira Mohila Degree College is delivering his lecture in a Field Day at Barat, Tala, Satkhira
at 05 May 2015.
Kbd. Mujibur Rahman, Agricultural Development Officer, Harvest Plus, IRRI is delivering his lecture in a Field Day at Barat, Tala, Satkhira at 05 May 2015.
District Seed Certification Officer, Satkhira Kbd. Sattabrata Nag is delivering his lecture in a Field Day of BRRI Dhan 64 organized by SMSPA and Ushi Deeds under Harvest + Project in Barat, Tala, Satkhira at 05 May 2015.
DD (Marketing), BADC Kbd. Liakat Hossain is delivering his lecture in a Field Day at Barat, Tala, Satkhira in 05 May 2015 organized by SMSPA and Ushi Seeds under Harvest + project.